Re: primate

From: John Marlow (
Date: Thu Jan 11 2001 - 17:35:21 MST

"Researchers hope they now can introduce other genes
in rhesus monkeys
could trigger a host of human diseases such as
Alzheimer's, diabetes,
cancer or HIV..."

Ah yes; what a noble day for science--and the rhesus

john marlow

--- wrote:
> Scientists Create First Genetically Modified Primate
> Baby Rhesus Monkey, Nicknamed ANDi, Carries Extra
> DNA 
> .c The Associated Press
> PORTLAND, Ore. (Jan. 11) - Researchers have created
> the world's first 
> genetically modified primate, a baby rhesus monkey
> whose name - ANDi - stands 
> for ''inserted DNA'' spelled backward.
> Born in October, the male monkey carries a tiny
> extra bit of DNA in a gene 
> introduced as a marker that can be seen under a
> microscope because it glows 
> green, researchers at Oregon Health Sciences
> University said.
> ANDi's creation was described in the Friday issue of
> the journal Science.
> Researchers hope they now can introduce other genes
> in rhesus monkeys that 
> could trigger a host of human diseases such as
> Alzheimer's, diabetes, breast 
> cancer or HIV, allowing experiments to block them at
> the genetic level.
> The technique for inserting the gene has been used
> for more than a quarter 
> century in mice, but comparing a mouse to a human
> being has limits, said Dr. 
> Gerald Schatten. He is leading the research at the
> university's Oregon 
> Regional Primate Center.
> Because monkeys are close genetic cousins to humans,
> they may give scientists 
> a better picture of how human disease develops, he
> said.
> ''I think we're at an extraordinary moment in the
> history of humans,'' 
> Schatten said Wednesday.
> Others were quick to condemn the research.
> Dr. Ray Greek, spokesman for the Physicians
> Committee for Responsible 
> Medicine, said the disease research can be already
> done at the cellular level.
> ''I think it's going to get them a lot of press and
> will eventually translate 
> into getting OHSU a lot of money,'' Greek said.
> ''But 20 years from now, will your children be safer
> from cancer, heart 
> disease, etc., as a result of this? The odds are
> astronomically against it.''
> Dr. Phyllis Leppert at the National Institutes of
> Health, which funded the 
> research, defended the monkey gene modification.
> She said the NIH and scientists have been dealing
> with genetic research 
> issues for decades, and Schatten - like other
> scientists who work with 
> primates - are always trying to balance the use of
> animals with the prospect 
> of curing a disease.
> ''All of this research is being done very carefully
> with all of the 
> scientific community giving him input,'' Leppert
> said.
> Schatten said the modification should help
> researchers find cures for human 
> diseases faster, eventually ending the need to use
> animals.
> He also said the technique will limit the number of
> monkeys needed because 
> test animals can be genetically designed,
> eliminating the need to create a 
> large pool of test animals in hopes that one will
> have the desired 
> characteristics.
> ''Researchers around the world believe that a lot of
> diseases like cancers, 
> like mental illnesses, like diabetes and other
> degenerative diseases could 
> actually be cured, and cured within just a few
> years,'' Schatten said.
> ''I don't think any of us would want to make
> primates sick unless it would 
> truly accelerate the day that diseases can be
> eradicated.''
> A year ago, Schatten reported the first monkey
> successfully cloned by embryo 
> splitting. That monkey is named Tetra. ANDi and his
> surrogate mother, as well 
> as Tetra, remain healthy, Schatten said.
> ANDi received an extra gene while he was still an
> unfertilized egg.
> Schatten, lead author Anthony W.S. Chan and other
> researchers modified and 
> then fertilized more than 200 rhesus monkey eggs.
> Forty embryos were 
> produced, and resulted in five pregnancies and three
> live births. Of the 
> three baby monkeys, only ANDi proved to have the
> modified genes.
> Greek, an author and physician, remained skeptical.
> ''We have been doing to mice for 20 to 30 years what
> they have done with 
> ANDi,'' he said, ''and we have been singularly
> unsuccessful, especially in 
> cancer research.''
> Terry Lomax, an Oregon State University plant
> geneticist who has dealt with 
> similar issues over genetically modified food, said
> the issue is going to 
> keep getting more attention.
> ''But I think people will be a little more fearful
> because monkeys are a 
> little closer to home,'' she said. ''That's why it's
> good to have a public 
> dialogue.''
>  AP-NY-01-11-01 1027EST
> Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. The information
> contained in the AP news 
> report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or
> otherwise distributed 
> without the prior written authority of The
> Associated Press.  All active 
> hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL. 
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