Re: Can you say "troll"?

From: Russell Whitaker (
Date: Wed Jan 10 2001 - 01:27:12 MST

>On Tue, 09 Jan 2001, you wrote:
><< So, then, that having been said, why
> > not argue the *important* issues... like why Glocks are _obviously_
> > all-around combat arms for Extropians than SIGs, H&K, or Kimbers? >>
> >
> > You missed a scout rifle with a name something like the "Stryer"
>I'll whup' ass on all you young 'uns, me and this here Enfield.
>-James Rogers

The Enfield (particularly, the Ishapore Arsenal Enfield in .308)
can be "scouterized" cheaply. Makes a good "truck gun" for
those who don't want to have their $2600 Steyr Scout banging
around in back.

The Moisin-Nagant can be scouterized _very_ cheaply too.


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