Re: Nuke weapon/reactor/waste horror story links?

From: John Clark (
Date: Tue Jan 09 2001 - 22:29:59 MST

John Marlow <> Wrote:

> **At a guess, I'd say Yes Way.

BUZZ, I'm sorry that's wrong guess. The answer is that the feeble emanations from a
unexploded H Bomb at sea level could not go through the entire atmosphere and be
detected by a satellite hundreds of miles away. As a matter of fact, a satellite couldn't
even detect ionizing radiation from an EXPLODING H bomb at sea level.

>Medical isotopes do not travel outward from former Soviet states,

Why not? There are more medical isotopes in the former USSR that any other place on
earth. And if you don't like that example, how about a few hundred tons of high phosphate
fertilizer (I did not say shit), that's about as radioactive as a small H bomb.

> follow obscure backroads, or reside for extended periods in areas lacking sophisticated
> medical equipment.

Then go over major highways and stay in sophisticated areas.

>The emissions signature is also quite different.

Quite different? How exactly? The only thing you'd have a chance of detecting is the U238,
everything else is shielded by the guts of the bomb, and U238 is just another isotope, another
slightly radioactive isotope. Ok, maybe ratio of neutrons to gamma ray photons in a warhead
might be very slightly higher than most (not all) isotopes, but neutrons get absorbed before they
go very far and being uncharged are very difficult to measure. Forget satellites or even low flying
airplanes, think of a steamer trunk full of instruments 5 feet from a suspected H bomb for a hour,
then maybe.

>Do you really think the gov't is going to call a press conference and say,
>"Well, gee, you know, this bunch of loonies almost blew up New York--but we
>got there in the nick of time..?"

Do you really think that government in the age of the internet could keep the story of the century
under wraps for long?

        John K Clark

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