Re: Interpreting dead people's creative works (was: Riddles ...)

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Mon Jan 08 2001 - 23:37:21 MST

Amara Graps wrote:

> me thinks that you have been smoking some of that stuff that
> Ross has, Spike!

No, actually. I mean, I *would* if I could, I would even inhale.
But if I were to be caught I would lose my clearance, which would
be equivalent to losing my job, and Im working on something
wicked cool these days. Any halucinagens must be the legal
variety. {8^D

> Since you've run the gaMUTT ON this topic, I'll forfeit the
> punfest, and instead, offer you this:

Amaaaaaaara! I looove this cartoon! Its one of about a dozen
I have on the wall of my cubicle: this one, another with a penguin
in a huge crowd of identical penguins, this one singing "I gotta
be meeee....", then of course the most common one around
our plant, the three rocket scientists looking forlornly at a
most unsuitable specimen, where one comments "Lets face it,
we are not exactly rocket scientists..." {8^D

There are these and several other Larson comics, at least
as many Dilberts, a few Calvin and Hobbes. This is how
we entertain ourselves. I have a home-made one which
I shamelessly stole from Ralph Merkle: a risk-payoff
matrix for cryonics. Youve probably seen some version
of it:

Suppose you perish. Then the risk/payoff matrix is thus:

                cryonics doesnt work cryonics does work

 you *
* *
dont *
* *
 get * you are dead * you are dead *
frozen *
* *
* *
* *
* *
 you *
* *
do * you are dead * you live *
get *
* *
frozen *
* *

That one always evokes comment. I really like this matrix,
it is soooo in-yer-face. I figure if it must be in some body
part, it might as well be your face. {8^D spike

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