Re: Alcor

From: S.J. Van Sickle (
Date: Fri Jan 05 2001 - 07:40:51 MST

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Mark Shewmaker wrote:

> The most important thing I can suggest to you, and anyone else
> reading this who may be considering signing up, is to go through
> the paperwork and start/continue things today. Do not let yourself
> procrastinate; this is something that's very easy to put off even
> if you fully intend to get around to it.

Yes, no matter how well you take care of yourself, how young you are, or
how much you think medical technology will improve...Bad Things happen.

Alcor only days ago completed the neurovitrification of a woman in her
40s, in perfect health, who was struck by a truck while walking her dog.


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