Re: congratulations to William Douglass and I have news of another essay contest!

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Thu Jan 04 2001 - 18:38:57 MST

>From: "John M Grigg" <>
>Subject: congratulations to William Douglass and I have news of another
>essay contest!
>Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 15:46:24 -0900
>I read the essay by William Douglass in the Economist and really enjoyed
>it. Great work!! I liked how the "reality" of the mid twenty-first
>century slowly filtered through to me as I read the essay which had been
>written in the first person. Well, I bet all the Textropians are pretty
>proud of him right about now. Hmm, maybe oneday there should be the
>Alaskatropians... I like the sound of that.

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