ANSWER: Lateral Thinking puzzle

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Thu Dec 28 2000 - 09:33:08 MST

From: Harvey Newstrom <>

>>A man hates his job.
>>One day he comes home and begins to drink...
>>He drinks till he passes out.
>>He gets up in the middle of the night, and goes to the bathroom.
>>Then he turns out the light, and goes back to bed.
>>When he wakes up in the morning, he looks out his window and
>>see's hundreds of people laying there dead.
>>The man kills himself.
>>Q. What did the man do for a living?

>I have not heard this one. But, here are some guesses.
>He's a lighthouse operator and the "light" is the lighthouse.


>(The hard part is not getting the first possible explanation which
>the story was probably tailored for. The hard part is inventing
>multiple explanations so that some are even beyond the
>expectations of the storyteller!)

Nicely done.

I recently returned to doing zazen, which is probably why this came
up, these things remind me of Zen koans.


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