RE: High Technology of the Future

From: Luke Howison (
Date: Wed Dec 27 2000 - 01:32:19 MST

Hi Extropians,

Harvey (>>) and Emlyn (>) wrote:
> > 5. Free Time: We also work less time and have a lot of free time.
> > That is a major difference.
> Everything I've read says that we work more than ever, that the trend over
> time has been for the amount of hours people spend working to increase,
> rather relentlessly. We may possibly this century be beginning to
> turn that
> around... although with the 35 hour week fading from memory for most of us
> (yes, it used to exist here), I doubt it.

We certainly spend more or an equal amount of time on household chores like
washing clothes, cleaning dishes, vacuuming, etc. But although there is
little or no time saved by modern technology (washing machines, dishwashers
and vacuum cleaners) we are altogether a less smelly, more hygienic and
asthma-friendly species. :-)

Luke H

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