Re: Things I want my PDA/Wearable to Do

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 19:24:28 MST

I want to be part of the eternal, ongoing, completely free Transhumanist
Voice Conference Call, no matter what I'm doing at the time. (Though I'd
probably want to shut it off while working...)

I want to look at a Taco Bell, perform a mental click, walk past it a
minute later and have my favorite order handed to me. That's all. No
other effort should be required on my part.

I want to visit a completely unfamiliar restaurant and know which menu
items were recommended by people who like my favorite Taco Bell order.

I want to visit a supermarket and know which laundry detergent was
manufactured by a corporation that best follows libertarian principles.

I want to go to a science-fiction convention and see auras indicating
whether people are transhumanists, or at least computer programmers. For
that matter, I want to see the same auras when I'm walking down the

I want an ambulance called if my heart stops.

I want a kinesics analysis program that automatically highlights dominance
indicators in a social interaction, signs of nervousness or lying, and so
on. I want the same program to remind me if my own kinesics drift out of

I want eyes sewn all over my clothing and a visual recognition program
that sounds a very loud buzzer if anyone draws a gun.

I want a noise cancellation program, or else a selective pass-through,
that lets me keep track of individual conversations at gatherings, or at
least cancel out the one wailing baby on an airplane flight. I also want
a directional microphone. ("If you do not wish a thing heard, do not say
it." -- Klingon proverb.)

I want to, around once per ten minutes whenever I'm not at home,
spontaneously emit a nickel. The nickel should have a chance of striking
any given person within 20 meters which is proportional to the inverse of
the square of the distance between us.

-- -- -- -- --
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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