Re: POL: United States

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 10:23:36 MST

>Harvey, can I "bookmark" your email address so that when I need to
>do a little historical research I can just shoot off an email to you?
>It'd be nice to always get a nice pre-digested list of links like
>you've been providing.
>Maybe Harvey is just some kind of AI interface to Google or something.

Research is my job. I have always been paid to research books, write
manuals, develop strategies, design solutions, etc. I have been a
teacher, author, public speaker, consultant, R&D Team lead, software
developer, etc. Almost all of my projects have had to do with
research. I am currently negotiating a job where I would work full
time as a technology analyst. I would be paid to sit at home all day
writing and researching my opinions and predictions for technology.
For some bizarre reason, I think this stuff is fun.

I have toyed with the idea of doing a massive information site. I
find most search engines to be unhelpful. I have quite a few
theories on how to fix them. I also find FAQs, index sites and other
references to be helpful and do not believe that the search-engine is
the best solution for all research. If I could put all my ideas
together into a single research site, I would have something.

Harvey Newstrom <>

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