Re: Majors was: Nanotech

From: Anders Sandberg (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2000 - 07:13:24 MST writes:

> Dan Fabulich wrote:
> > I suppose most people don't have the time or the inclination to do
> > what I'm doing: I'm double-majoring in Biomedical Engineering and
> > Philosophy. :)
> Biomedical Engineering is very cool indeed, but why contaminating it
> with the P thing? It doesn't even give you answers.

There is a difference between philosophy as a mental or social game
and the study of how to live one's life in the best way. The former is
not per se useful (it can be entertaining), but the second is in some
sense what we all need and try to learn throughout life. A formal
study of philosophy can be helpful to learn the second form if you pay
attention to the relevant parts and ignore the games.

Anders Sandberg                                      Towards Ascension!                  
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