Re: Clarification and limited apology

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 14:14:48 MST

From: Harvey Newstrom <>

>>Brian D Williams <> wrote,
>>That's right, I was there

>>I've been on the Internet since administrators used
>>to ask you to keep off their systems during the day

>>remember spending alot
>>of time at the site at CERN and playing with an interesting text
>>based system the creator was calling the world wide web. I still
>>have the E-mail I got back from him thanking me for my comments
>>and telling me they were working on a GUI for it, and after that
>>he hoped it would really take off... Need I even bother
>>mentioning his name?


>I had a top-secret clearance and was building Arpanet before you
>knew what a network was. I invented network technology and helped
>debug protocols before the Internet converted to TCP/IP. I
>debuged network links before we had a connection to Europe. I was
>an admin years before ISPs like yours (The Well) were allowed on
>the Internet. I was probably one of those admins who asked you
>users to stay out of my way.

>Your talk of the "early days" is about two decades too late to
>impress me.

I wasn't out to impress you Harvey, I've seen your resume and it's
very impressive.

I've held a few clearances myself, try EA6-A/B and PRP program for
buzz words and I got out of the military in 1979. I never said the
WELL and 1989 were my first exposure to the Internet or ARPANET.


Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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