Re: POL: United States

From: Geoff Tillman (
Date: Tue Dec 19 2000 - 15:44:22 MST

That would not make any sense. The Senate represents the
states. They are effectively the ambassadors from each state,
so 1 or every two states would be very impossible.

--- "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <> wrote:
> Geoff Tillman wrote:
> >
> > True, but to have a voice in congress and the choosing of
> the
> > president you have to be a state. Puerto Rico and Guam
> will
> > probably gain statehood eventually. As to the flag if
> more
> > states join more stars are added. Their are designs
> already
> > made which have 51-60 stars (just in case). Everytime a
> state
> > has join it has always gotten a star. And lets not forget
> > that their were originally 13 states not 50. And Alaska
> and
> > Hawaii did not acheive statehood untill 1959 and 1960
> > respectfully.
> I was recently musing that the Senate was originally
> intended to have 26
> members... maybe a few more as time went on, but still 26
> originally. A
> small, tight group; not like a Senate of 100 at all. One
> Senator of 26,
> nationwide, would have considerably more prestige than one
> Senator of
> 100. People might even be able to remember who they are.
> Maybe it's time to jump to one Senator for every two states
> instead of the
> other way around. Not that it'll ever happen. It's just
> one item more
> for the little list.
> -- -- -- --
> --
> Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
> Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial

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