Re: Stalker Tricks was: Reason +/- Faith

From: KPJ (
Date: Sat Dec 16 2000 - 10:59:52 MST

|KPJ wrote:
|> The cypherpunks/coderpunks/Crypto-gram connection.
|That was good.

Rather easy, in fact. A large data shadow on that one.

|> The linklord connection.
|What IS this?

You asked about majordomo on the LinkLord list.

|> The Terra Libra connection.
|Or this?

Part of "Deep Anarchy" (#TLxxxx). Apparently wrote
some stuff on the Deep Anarchy web site.


|> Darkforge.
|> Marina Del Rey, CT
|But this place doesn't exist!

An excellent method to confuse stalkers.

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