Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 19:22:50 MST

> Nicq MacDonald wrote: To believe that I'll be 19 in a little over a
> month... despite all the promises I'm reading of an eons-long lifespan, I'm
> feeling the time slipping away from me. ;)

Somebody get the geezer a package of depends. {8^D Kidding
bygones Nicq. Just outta curiousness: who among us thinks being
18 was better than 19 or 20? I recall that year as being really crummy,
and 19 and 20 werent so hot either: I was lost and alone on a forgotten
highway. Knowing the worst is over might help on your birthday, Nicq.

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