Re: Why consciousness matters

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 15:13:45 MST

> > Words mean things. We need to throw out words that refer to
> > notions such as phlogiston, vitalism, and consciousness. It's
> > just a question of semantic convenience. If a word is wrong, get
> > of it. What you save via uploading is the information stored in
> > brain and body.
> >
> > Stay hungry,
> >
> > --J. R.
> > 3M TA3
> Why do you want to? What is your motivation?
> Emlyn

I want to confute words that confuse thinking because I have an
affinity for clarity and coherence. Perhaps it's a congenital
condition. The motivation for uploading information stored in our
brains and bodies comes from the biological imperative to survive,
to thrive, to move toward more highly complex adaptive systems
(which is how I think of extropy).

So, (why) do you want to obfuscate, subvert, or demean this?

Stay hungry,

--J. R.
3M TA3

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  -- from an IRS letter

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