"Living to 100"

From: Brian D Williams (talon57@well.com)
Date: Mon Dec 04 2000 - 14:44:53 MST

I finished "Living To 100" last week, and just wanted to conclude
my comments on this excellent book with a story from it.

A psychologist brought a centenarian to her class to be interviewed
by her students. One of the things they most wanted to know was if
she could be any age, what age would she choose?

She surprised (startled) the class by answering 70. When asked to
explain she remarked that what she wanted most was to see her
great-grandchildren grow up, and 20 year olds don't have great

The point was that these centenarians were happy with their lives,
and just wanted more of it.

Now that's what I call a lesson.....


Extropy Institute, www.extropy.org
Adler Planetarium www.adlerplanetarium.org
Life Extension Foundation, www.lef.org
National Rifle Association, www.nra.org, 1.800.672.3888
Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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