4 Corners of the Earth? (was Re: Privacy now and in the future...)

From: Zero Powers (zero_powers@hotmail.com)
Date: Sun Dec 03 2000 - 19:56:19 MST

From: "Michael M. Butler" <butler@comp-lib.org>

> "J. R. Molloy" wrote:

> > I saw a documentary on PBS about the Amish. They don't let their kids go
> > beyond the eighth grade, because it might tempt them to discard literal
> > belief in the Bible. (They believe the Earth is flat, because the Bible
> > mentions "the four corners of the Earth").

I recall something about the "4 winds" but don't recall ever reading
anything about 4 corners (at least not in the KJV), and I think something
like that would have stuck with me. Anybody know whether there is really
such a ref in the good book?


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