Re: Piracetam and Smart Drugs

Date: Fri Nov 10 2000 - 14:50:37 MST

I have ordered from a number of different companies, and I highly
recommend International AntiAging Systems. You can find their order form
at the following URL.

I highly recommend you read the following abstracts as well:

- E!

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Jason Joel Thompson wrote:

> Is anyone aware of the legal status of this drug in Canada?
> Can you recommend a source?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 12:24 PM
> Subject: Piracetam and Smart Drugs
> >
> > Hi All!!
> >
> > I've taken Piracetam many times over the past six years, and have been
> > very happy with it. I attribute many improvements in my life, from a
> > wealth of friends, to job promotions, to successful projects to it's use.
> > The only problem I've noticed is that for me results are not noticable
> > until I have taken at least 800mg/day for a full month. This is
> > disapointing if I have stopped taking it for any long period of time,
> > becasue it takes a long time to kick in. After several years of on and off
> > use I discovered that 1600mg/day yeilded optimal results, but that it
> > still required a full month before a strong effect is noticable. I always
> > accompany Piracetam with 200mg/day of Twinlabs brand DMAE.
> >
> > I have also tried Vasopressin, which has an immediate effect, but which I
> > found more useful for fun than for productivity.
> >
> > I would encourage all of you who are tying Piracetam to take it for a
> > month before determing the results. I've looked quite closely at primary
> > literature on Piracetam, (there is a lot of it, and some of it is very
> > well done) and it seems to indicate that there is a long period of time
> > needed for optimal results to show.
> >
> > The most interesting thing I've seen in the research on Piracetam, is that
> > it protects against different events which usually produce brain damage,
> > such as hypoxia. I suggest looking at the abstracts available at
> >
> >
> > More, Smarter, Now!!!
> >
> > - Eric

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