Re: Capitalists and concentration camps

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 13:21:56 MDT wrote:
> In a message dated 9/29/00 7:39:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes: << Adolf Hitler definitely leeched more than he capitalized >>
> So he was a socialist after all?

I think that its been pretty fairly shown from Speer and Hayek that Hitler was,
in fact, a socialist, but he was also a madman. Speer said that Hitler was odd
in that he was the only person Speer has ever known in his life who was
completely dead in the eyes, like he was some sort of soulless automaton. The
only times he saw him get excited was when the two of them were going over
architectural plans (Speer came into the Nazi Party in 1930 only as a result of
his architectural work for several party halls, and reached prominence when he
designed the set of the famous/infamous Nuremburg Rallies at the approval of
Hitler, and Hitler would often refer to Speer as 'my architect', even in the
late war years when Speer was the head of Arms and Armaments (essentially the
whole economy)), especially when they were going over plans for his new capital
city of "Germania" that they would build after the war. He also noticed this odd
thing about Hitler at rallies, that he would come in, and speak quietly,
emotionally at first, then this switch would occur, where he would light up into
this preacher-like sermonizing of hysterical proportions. When Hitler would have
social get togethers at Birktesgarten, Speer observed that Hitler seemed to act
the dutiful host, serving others, pouring drinks, etc. in some detached
automated way, like he knew that that was what real people did and he was trying
desperately to act human.

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