Re: SOC/CULTURE: Jaron Lanier in on "Cybernetic Totalists"

From: Ziana Astralos (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 21:02:42 MDT

--- J. R. Molley ( writes:

> Right, he uses the term "cybernetic totalism"

"Cybernetic totalists", huh? It's just about a
requirement for a paper like that to come up with an
ominous-etc term for the subject of the diatribe. :-)

> to refer to the Kurzweil-Moravec-deGaris-Drexler
> constellation of concepts which point to
> technological singularity. His manifesto is
> constrained by limiting itself to computers and
> software (his areas of expertise) -- with only a
> cursory glance at biotechnology and nanotechnology.
> He insufficiently analyzes (imo) the explosion of
> robotics laboratory work.

I agree. It's easier to dispute a large concept if you
ignore most of it ;-)

> Who would not agree with him that software has
> failed to keep up with hardware development? No news
> there.

Just pointing out the obvious.

> But why doesn't he mention recent consilience of
> machines with humans (cyborg technology)?

Yes, why indeed??

> He jokes that robots of the future will stall when
> their computer operating systems crash.

Wow, I haven't heard *that* one before... ;-)

> His manifesto seems to me a whining diatribe
> motivated by his own frustrating experience with
> computers.

That was my impression as well.

> But for anyone terrified of the future and its
> accelerating technologies,

Too many of those.

> Lanier's essay might serve as a soothing
> tranquilizer. He seems to imply, "Stop fretting
> folks. The future will fail, so we can all get back
> to our desks to work on those darned spreadsheets."

Yeah, until this stuff does happen, and then it'll be
a lot harder to ignore and/or dismiss it.

> "Greetings, flesh-forms! I am Kevin Warwick of
> Reading University, cyborg freedom fighter from the
> 22nd century.

I thought that was 'Kevin Reading of Warwick
University'. :-) Kevin Warwick's the real guy.

> My era is very different to yours - civilisation has
> been destroyed and humanity almost wiped out in the
> long wars

Hey, let's sell the movie rights! ;-)

> against the giant, battery powered

"It keeps going, and going, and going..."

> "robot football team",

Ooh, they've advanced to football! Those 22nd-century
robots sure have developed beyond the merely
soccer-playing bots of the 21st century! :-)

> and a sinister, skeletal "electric cat".

Bleh, and all we have is cute, friendly "electric

> But some fragments of our ancient history remain,

So now a hundred years or so makes history 'ancient'?

> passed down from one cybernetically enhanced forearm
> to another

Forearm's not a very efficient location.

> - and, in thoserecords, one name stands out above
> all others. That name is Kevin Warwick of Reading
> University - the most important human being who
> ever lived."

I dunno about that. Just because he's headed in that
direction doesn't mean he'll get there first. :-)

      Ziana Astralos GCS/MC/IT/L/O d- s-:- a? C++++ U P+ L W+++ N+ w+
  or M-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+ 5++ X R tv+ b+++ DI++++
         T.E.C.H. D+ G++ e- h!>++ !r x-

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