Re: does the state vector collapse?

From: David Blenkinsop (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 22:14:15 MDT

Earlier, scerir wrote:

> . . . many experiments actually show, just now,
> that Schroedinger's cat is not a paradox about
> (our) information (about that weird singlet state)
> but a real, physical thing. Please look
> and then click the voice
> "Catching Schroedinger's cat".
> . . .
> "Fields in empty space have physical reality;
> the medium that supports them does not.
> [Quantum] Correlations have physical reality;
> that which they correlate does not."
> -- David Mermin.
> Scerir

Dramatic, isn't it, I mean, superposed macroscopic magnetic fields, the
exact real status of which is difficult to interpret with any great
sureness, also cryptic statements about relationships being real while
the related things are themselves unreal? I think maybe I'll just get
out and enjoy life before I am deleted by virtue of some outside
observer erasing my external state vector representation from his hard

Actually, really, just kidding about that last concern :^)

David Blenkinsop <>

"There are no facts, only interpretations."
                - Friedrich Nietzsche

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