Re: Ye Are Gods

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 09:46:16 MDT

Jason Joel Thompson wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Emlyn" <>
> > As an aside, I think it's funny that transhumanism, which purports to
> being
> > about moving away from humanity, is actually more about what it is,
> > fundamentally, to be human, than any other belief system/philosophy/vision
> > that I can think of. Its about us merging more fully with our tools,
> > believing more strongly in our ability to reshape the universe, believing
> in
> > ourselves rather than some unknowable greater force(s).
> Transhumanism is, after all, a form of humanism.

Not really, in the modern sense. I would say that just as libertarianism is a
modern form of classical liberalism, where modern liberalism is nearly its
opposite, transhumanism is a modern form of classical humanism, where mordern
humanism is nearly its opposite.

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