Re: Fwd: Earthweb from transadmin

From: Alex Future Bokov (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 10:14:21 MDT


On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Jason Joel Thompson wrote:

> Another solution that I have often hinted at involves writing ourselves into
> the next intelligence echelon. *We* should become the AI, folks. And it
> should be designed to be easier (or more profitable,) for the AI to evolve
> us than to cut us out.

Um, yes, that is the original debate, and the reason this thread has
EarthWeb in its name. To recap, Eli and I agree that the capabilities
of an AI as he envisions it would be a superset of the capabilities of
an EarthWeb like entity as I envision it. However, I'm arguing that an
EarthWeb is more easily acchievable, by definition friendly to human
goals, and possibly sufficient for preventing runaway techno-disaster.

Eliezer then pointed out that the decisions of EarthWeb would not be as
enforceable as those of an >AI sysop. I don't understand the argument;
if humans/>AI/some combination design nanotech, and then a general
purpose MatterOS to control it, why should enforcement of the operator's
will be any more problematic just because the will is the consensus of
human wills as represented by markets and reputations as opposed to being
the will of a single >AI? Isn't the enforcement done by the MatterOS layer,
regardless of who is holding the reins?

So, that's where the original debate stands as I see it. Corrections welcome.

- --

Wackenhut Special Forces Randy Weaver
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