Re: Mutant bunny art

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Sep 19 2000 - 08:06:48 MDT

Doug Jones wrote:
> Barbara Lamar wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 12:19:49 -0400 "David Lubkin"
> > <> writes:
> >
> > > What would you create?
> >
> > What a wonderful, fun question, David! I think for starters I'd like to
> > have some glowing birds with the size, flight ability, and disposition of
> > domestic chickens but with brightly colored plumage. I'd like for them to
> > eat mostly insects and to have a only limited taste for plants. At
> > night the birds could roost in the trees and provide nice, mellow
> > lighting for the garden. Self replicating lights.
> Not to mention being easy dinner for every coyote, feral dog, large
> house cat, owl, and eagle on the near side of the horizon. "Mmmm-
> tastes like chicken!"
> Slow, *glowing* elk. But fun if you could protect them.

dogs don't climb trees, of course, and eagles are not nocturnal. However, fisher
cats, pine martens, and owls would definitely be a threat. The birds would
obviously only emit enough light to be visible at night. You guys ever seen a
great horned owl? HUGE. Now, a better example is to use a wild turkey as your
base organism, but make them gregarious with people. Another idea is to do it to
CATS, and make it so they only glow when they are purring....

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