Re: Transparency and IP

From: David Lubkin (
Date: Thu Sep 14 2000 - 21:11:55 MDT

On 9/14/00, at 11:37 AM, Jeff Davis wrote:

>It could be a book holder and page turner that mounts/sets on a flatbed
>scanner (the page turner and scanner would clearly be linked to the
>computer which would coordinate the sequence of events), or a book holder
>and page turner equipped with a mounting frame to accomodate a digital
>camera (again, camera and page turner linked to the computer), or it could
>be a single dedicated unit: one power cable, one data cable to the
>computer, and a slot for placing the book (or, in the large industrial
>model, a stack of books). I suggest that these three variants comprise the
>beginnings of a product line.
>Actually, I gotta believe this in the works already, if not imminent.
>Probably by the scanner people.

As you say, this either exists or is about to. For several years we have
already had high-end xerox machines with integrated page turners; all you
have to add is a data cable.

But they are *very* expensive (in the vicinity of $100,000).

-- David Lubkin.

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