Re: Transparency and IP

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2000 - 21:51:41 MDT

> Samantha Atkins wrote: ... try to fix the 10% or so
> minimum OCR errors likely fro the process thus far and still have a
> pretty major editing job to make the results really good.

Wow 10% OCR errors? Minimum? Samantha time for a
new OCR package. Yours sounds like... a dinosaur. {8^D
I have a 30 dollar package that makes waaay less than half
a percent with decent input.

BTW, a dinosaur is not necessarily a bad thing. Those guys
kicked some serious butt for hundreds of millions of years and
it took a giant meteorite to nuke em. By comparison, we mammals...
suck. You can be sure the lions would scatter like roaches if
Mr. T. Rex showed up.

> If you know better I would very much like to know how to improve on
> this. I've been wanting my library online for many years now. - samantha

You and all of us. I have over a thousand titles, most of em
hardback. Ideally I would like to ASCII all the text without
destroying the books, if possible. Let me know if you find
anything workable. {8-] spike

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