Re: cities, databases parallel thread

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 09:35:51 MDT

Spike Jones wrote:
> Emlyn O'Regan wrote:
> > I'd be kind of surprised if Spike has a full client/server database kicking
> > around, just waiting for great gobs of data to be pumped into it. He is a
> > geek, true, but maybe not quite that particular brand.
> Geeeek? I resemble that comment!
> {8^D I have heard rumors that Bill's Bloatware is planning to release
> an industrial strength version of excel that has a capacity of a megaline.
> Anyone else heard of that? spike

Heard of it. Have not seen it. Will be surprised if it works on anything but a 1
GHz machine.

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