Re: : Re: Why would AI want / Survival no longer an issue

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 00:42:20 MDT

>From: ankara <>

>Once the survival function is removed, What motivation remains? What
>exactly is it that all of you will be doing in those endless post-human
>days? Will you need to invent something to want? Are you now a pleasure
>seeker or a pain avoider? Please do not assume these issues are

Personally curiosity is the driving factor behind my desire for immortality.
  The story of life is a fascinating one for me. As long as there are
questions to ask and answer (when, where, how and why did the universe come
into existence?; what is the meaning of life?; how will the great story
eventually end?) I will be content seeking out the answers. If and when I
know all the answers, then I'll probably be ready to die (assuming the
answers don't just lead to another set of equally intractable questions).


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