Re: ExI List Vs. Spiritutality (ws) E.S.P. in the Turing Test

Date: Wed Aug 30 2000 - 21:49:50 MDT

Spirtiuality is a verb.

> Not every member here is against spiritual people. While I don't believe in
> angels or the tooth fairy, I look after my spiritual side -- quietly, calmly
> and without need of approval by anyone here. I understand why a religious

I agree, and in some interesting ways. Even materialist athiests I know
seem to have "spiritual" experiences on psychadelic... etc. in fact, I
happen to think that science offers a profound way of understanding and
effectively promoting these experiences... (brain machines, smart drugs,
even raves, music, new forms of community organization..)

My challenge here, ah la Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, and Richard
Bandler, is to move from Spiritual as a NOUN for a person ("He is a
spiritual person, etc.") and transform it into a VERB! ("That
sex/drug/experience was soooooo spiritual! It was great!")

With smiles! (ExTRIPianistic ones!)

- Eric

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