Dissing of extropy in "Sleeping With ET"?

From: Brent Allsop (allsop@fc.hp.com)
Date: Mon Aug 28 2000 - 09:01:13 MDT


        I noticed in the review of "Seeping With Extra-Terrestrials:
The Rise of Irrationalism and Perils of Piety" by Wendy Kaminer at the
Amazon.com page for this <URL:
has the following comment:

> but Sleeping with Extra-Terrestrials is not merely an assault on
> religion--Kaminer also attacks purveyors of junk science, the
> influence of the recovered-memory movement on both feminism and the
> American court system, and the "cyberspacy" claims made by boosters
> of technological progress.

        I take this comment against '"cyberspacy" claims made by
boosters of technological progress.' to indicate this book isn't to
hot on extropianism? I plan on getting and reading the book some time
to see what it has to say about this, but I wonder if any of you know
what is contained on this topic in this book and if any of you had any
thoughts or comments.

                Brent Allsop

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