
From: Jamrio Miller (
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 13:06:54 MDT

Note: This is my last message. I understand and respect that you don't want to hear from me anymore, but I did want to post this last reply.


I am sorry if my last post has been upsetting to all of you. However,
if you carefully read what I said in the part that triggered your
reactions, it was the following:

"I know from personal research that several extropians or transhumanists
are guilty of sexually abusing children (Keith Henson, for example),
and I recently came across a persistent rumor that the same is true
of Max More (incidentally a friend of Henson?) as well."

In other words, I said I had come across a verbal accusation from a trusted source. I openly admit that I do not at this point have legal evidence, but have strong enough indications to make me suspicious or curious.

When I bring this up here, I get attacked, pushed into weird pseudo-philosophical corners and threatened with all kinds of legal and semi-legal attacks.
One poster in fact goes as far as using the word "lynch". All I hear from Mr More is I am a liar and he wants to sue me. Others want to remove the whole thread from the archive, thereby censoring free speech.

The whole outrage is not directed at the despicable action I wonder about, but against my wondering in public. And then you are surprised that I do not wish to reveal my identity at this point?
It's not that I don't agree that there could have possibly been a better way to sort this out. I simply did not foresee the fury I created, and for this I am sorry.

If the rumor is false, and if Mr More is not in support of such behavior, all that is necessary is a clear statement to that effect, not retaliation for an imagined wrong. All this excitement only makes me wonder...


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