Intolerance from "tolerant" people

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 00:30:55 MDT

On Sunday, August 20, 2000 7:55 PM Michael LaTorra
> This Scientologist site
> claims to be in favor of religious tolerance, while practicing the most
> vicious intolerance imaginable.

I don't know as much about Scientology as Michael and the others. In fact,
I've had little contact with Scientologists over the years. I've only
skimmed _Dianetics_ and have too much else to read to devote any time to it.
But I do know that hypocrisy is rampant everywhere and in just about all
times. Thus, it would not surprise me if a person or a group claims to be
tolerant, yet is actually extremely intolerant.

>From my involvement with the Objectivist movement, I've seen this, sadly, to
be true of too many Objectivists -- not to mention quite a number of them
also being dependent, conformist thinkers on many issues. (This is not to
single them out. I've met others who pride themselves on independent
thought who also suffer the same flaws.)


Daniel Ust

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