Re: Reintroduction

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 21:50:59 MDT

Eliezer wrote:

>It seems likely that changing your name at age twenty or so will
>eventually become a commonly observed custom of the digital age,
>Singularity permitting.

I changed my name at sixteen, after a major epiphany\apostasy of sorts;
unfortunately, I may have changed it too soon, as like Eli, there are a few
slightly embarassing things I published on or about the net at that age. I
would change it again, however, I think I am a bit too well known to do so
without alienating at least some of my audience\readers.

E. Shaun Russell | Extropian, Musician, ExI Member | Owner of NWExtropians Group:
--------------------- http://www.eGroups/group/NWExtropians
*Editor of ExtroDot *Editor of TransDot
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