Re: IP was: My Extropian Manifesto...

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 16:05:18 MDT

John Clark wrote:
> Max Møller Rasmussen <> Wrote:
> > - Make it illegal
> In every country in the world?

The GATT provides mechanisms under the WIPO to establish this internationally.
Countries that refuse to accept WIPO rulings get electronically embargoed.

> >to make programs that can copy other peoples copyrighted
> > material without their consent.
> It would be easy for a country to pass a law making programs that can copy other
> peoples copyrighted material without their consent illegal, but I don't see why that would
> have any effect on programs that can copy other peoples copyrighted material without
> their consent.

It all rests on enforcement, of course. Shutting off the internet to countries
that do not enact such laws and enforce them is easy to do.

> >Automate pirate hunting, by making bots that scours the net for illegal content and
> Encryption, anonymous re-mailers, DC nets, data havens.

Rewards for informants.

> > - Make the isp's responsible for illegal content
> In other words shut down the Internet, if the phone company was
> responsible for illegal activity over the phone we wouldn't have them either.

That doesn't shut down the internet, it merely removes players who refuse to
play by the rules, and who refuse to only deal with people who play by the

> > - Make the software author acountable for how his software is used.
> In other words make the writing of any software illegal. Doesn't sound
> very practical to me.

No, bill the software author for all royalties unpaid as a result of people
using his/her software.

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