Re: Human ID implant to be unveiled soon

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 00:32:13 MDT

>From: Paul Hughes <>
>"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> > I think you'll find that even if the government tried to force it on
> > they'd have a clause exempting people who claim a religious reason
>(much as you
> > can get out of social security payments if your religion forbids it
> > like the Amish.)

That may only get you so far. There was a guy out here in California
recently who tried to get a drivers license without showing the DMV his SSN,
(he claimed it was the "mark of the beast" foretold of in the book of
Revelations). The DMV wasn't convinced, and refused to issue him a license.
  Naturally he sued (I did say he was from California didn't I?).

The appellate court said "no dice." Driving is a privilege. You can refuse
the mark of the beast if that's what is required to save your soul from
Hell, but your price will be having to endure California's public
transportation system (a fate far worse than Hell could ever be).


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