Re: R: Tipler disputes quantum nonlocality

From: Gryphin (
Date: Fri Aug 11 2000 - 11:01:50 MDT

At 09:54 PM 8/10/2000 +0200, you wrote:
>From: Gryphin <>
>The exact quote [of Bohr] goes "We are all agreed that your theory is crazy.
>The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough."
>Fine. And note that against the EPR argument
>(measuring a photon influences
>the entangled space-like separated photon?)
>Bohr was able to say just this:
>Here is .... no question of a mechanical disturbance
>of the system under investigation ....
>there is essentially the question of an influence
>on the very conditions which define the possible
>types of predictions regarding the future behaviour
>of the system.
>(W.Churchill refused a Bohr's proposal,
>about the construction of the A-bomb in GB,
>because Bohr was so ... obscure)

Man, the funny things you learn. just think, if Bohr had put it in layman's
terms, GB would have nuked someone. wonder if it would have still been
japan, or
if they would have even used it?

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