Re: Hi-Low, or Art for Money (Was) Steven King's The Plant

From: Gryphin (
Date: Wed Jul 26 2000 - 21:15:46 MDT

At 12:58 PM 7/26/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Spike Jones wrote:
> >
> > > Lee Daniel Crocker writes:
> > >
> > > > Shakespeare'(snip)wasn't afraid to go for the cheap laugh of a dirty
> > > > > joke or a pun where needed, and his brilliant use of language
> > > > > and poetic form wasn't to challenge his audience's mind, but
> > > > > simply to entertain them.
> >
> > Hey cool, Im like Shakespeare!
> >
> > Except he could write and I suck. Actually Shakespeare's
> > *real* genius was in making a story just by stringing together
> > a bunch of famous sayings... spike
>But Spike EVERYBODY talked like that back then, forsooth. Its a pretty clear
>progression from Chaucer to Shakespeare to the present day that the grammar of
>the english language is devolving to some point in the future of pure

i think it's not really "devolving" as such, it's just that we live in a
much more global environment than there was in Shakespeare's time, so the
languages have had to become more flexible, and have assimilated more of
the other languages than they did in the olden times. in another 100 years,
i think we'll have probably 1-2 major languages instead of the 3 we have
now, (Hindu, French, and English, IIRC) ofc, the words will be totally
different than now as well. when was the last time (outside of Amish
country or church anyway ;) that you heard someone say Thou, or Thee?

Adam "Gryphin" Budda

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