Re: e-books pricing (was: Re: a very small quantum entertainment)

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jul 24 2000 - 23:14:05 MDT

"Fred C. Moulton" wrote:
> There are a variety of pricing and distribution models for
> e-books. For example Neil Schulman runs the site
> which gives a choice of electronic or
> paper. For example The Jehovah Contract by Victor Koman
> is available in either PDF or HTML for USD3.95 or in
> a trade (6" x 9") quality paperback format for USD19.95.
> I don't know how well is doing in sales but
> it is an interesting phenomena to watch.
> Fred

That seems to be much more realistic. Do you know if the author
royalties are the same dollar amount for each format, or is it set to a
percentage? How does that price for the paperback compare for the number
of pages, etc. to other similar books??

I'm highly tempted to try to put together an Extropian Press publishing
house. If $3.95 is the lowest price on the market now for an electronic
novel, there is loads of money to be made. I'm far less tempted to sell
paper books, except as a drop ship order to Amazon, et al. unless EP is
actually going to publish books on paper, which is something I've been
wanting to do for a while.

Hey Damien, what nut are you making off ebooks published at that other

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