Re: MED/SOCIETY:'100% success' for male pill trial

From: Wilson (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 15:17:46 MDT

That's exactly what I meant.. Yes.. I agree with them.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Badger" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: MED/SOCIETY:'100% success' for male pill trial

> --- Wilson <> wrote:
> > I feel exactly the opposite from those women you
> > spoke to.. In my mind,
> > given that (in America) the rule of law is strongly
> > on the woman's side (in
> > the case of child support/divorce/pregnancy/etc), I
> > can't trust a woman to
> > be truthful when she says she is on "the pill."
> > If I can remove the need to trust her with the
> > headsman's axe, as it were,
> > then I'm all for it.
> >
> > --Wilson.
> Headman's Axe? Hmmm, not my favorite analogy.
> Actually, it sounds like you're in agreement with
> them. Like them, you don't feel you can trust sexual
> partners who claim to be using a contraceptive. I
> agree, though. When it comes to something as
> important as avoiding an unwanted pregnancy, "better
> safe than sorry" should be the preferred strategy for
> both parties. The advent of the male pill should
> hopefully lower unwanted pregnancies by a significant
> %.
> Scott
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