Re: FWD (IUFO) balls of light

From: Terry W. Colvin (
Date: Sun Jul 02 2000 - 14:01:58 MDT

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Project Hessdalen

Randy, try this site for updates on ball lightning and related phenomena.


Randy Smith wrote:
> YEs, this is a fascinating area. My aunt, now retired, and a hard-nosed
> type, a former senior vice president of a major bank, saw a "ufo" up close
> about 30 years ago in San Antonio. It was in her kitchen! It came in through
> the window as an orange ball, baseball-sized, and floated above the stove
> and then popped.
> I have read some interesting theories re this type of UFO when it comes to
> ball lightning, plasma and vortices.
> Strangely enough I have heard some theories re this type of UFO and the
> creation of the crop circles by means of ball lightning.
> Also, there are some recurrent UFOs in Northern Norway that have been
> attributed in theory to large flocks of flying insects that glow due to some
> not yet understood electrical phenomena.
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Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA)
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