Iridium dissident network

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Fri May 26 2000 - 15:55:08 MDT

David Brin wrote:
> ABSTRACT: What daring 21st century concepts or projects would you most
> like to see pursued, if money were no object?

My father notes that the soon-to-burn-up Iridium network has excellent
potential as an uncontrolled communications medium. As such, it might
be a useful public service - for China in my father's example, although
targeting Iran, or Iraq, is likely to generate less political fallout.
The classic Stiegler scenario involves mass-produced palmtops rather
than large, bulky Iridium phones, but a global satellite network is at
least a step towards the ideal. Does anyone know how much it'd cost to
run the ground control stations (assuming you can buy the satellite
network for $1 or whatever); does anyone know when the network
irreversibly de-orbits; and does anyone know of a handy 'illionaire (or
a network of Chinese dissidents) who'd consider it worthwhile?

Personally, I think it unlikely that anyone will step up to fund this in
time. But the idea is certainly worth passing on - as is the underlying
challenge. For example, if it turns out that active Iridium phones are
too easy to detect: What would it take to overlay static on a voice/fax
line, or bit twitches on a digital cellphone connection, that were
distinguishable from random noise *only* if you possessed the encryption
key? And what bandwidth could you get? Could you run a FreeNet network
over random, innocently-made cellphone calls that happened to be made
from phones plugged into a FreeNet laptop? And is FreeNet a good
architecture for supporting revolutionary cells?

From:  M. Yudkowsky (
> When speaking to a friend the other evening, he mentioned the "folk
> theorem" that if access to fax machines were available to some magic
> percentage of the population of China, the Chinese government would lose
> control of information, and thus control of the people.
> I disagreed. US corporations, not to mention European ones, would
> cheerfully sell the Chinese government software to monitor all telephone
> lines for faxes. I can easily imagine a system that requires each fax to
> identify itself, with copies of each fax kept by the government.
> However, there is a complete telecommunications system accessible by
> Chinese dissidents that isn't under the control of the Chinese
> government. I refer to the Iridium system, now bankrupt and so
> hopelessly un-economical that the sattelites are about to be deorbited.
> Imagine, if you will, that a consortium of expatriate Chinese purchase
> the satellites for $1 apiece, and pay for the ground stations to run
> them. They would have a system available to the Chinese dissidents that
> the Chinese government can't control.
> Of course, there's lots of questions to be answered about this idea; to
> solve the problems, I am thinking of a process that can perhaps be
> described as the first open-source revolutionary manifesto. 
> Some thoughts to seed debate:
> * The cost of a satellite phone would have to drop dramatically. Of
> course, it would no longer have to look pretty -- it'd simply have to be
> "concealable."
> * The cost of putting Iridium into orbit is irrevocably gone; but if the
> bankruptcy lawyers smell money, the sharks may gather, which would put
> paid to the project. Perhaps they can be bought off by promises of
> future profits.
> * A good 60% of the cost of running a phone system is in billing. If the
> dissidents dispense with billing, the costs drop dramatically.
> * Authorization of users would still be needed to prevent
> denial-of-service attacks by the Chinese government.
> * This system would also be of use to Iranian dissidents.
> * Politically, the companies who sell Iridium to dissidents will be
> targeted by the Chinese government. Can this problem be overcome? Or
> will the Iridium consortium members decide to make a long-term
> investment in the future, in the next Chinese government?
> * If the Iridium consortium decide NOT to sell, can the satellites be stolen?
> * This project must be financed on a voluntary basis: this is an
> extremely modern model of doing business; it may not work; the backers
> must be willing to shoulder losses. Perhaps some brave company will
> advertise over the network...

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