Re: SITE: Coding a Transhuman AI 2.0a

From: Dan Fabulich (
Date: Fri May 19 2000 - 02:28:22 MDT

Makk Gingel suggested:

> The hypothesis: It is possible, at least in principle, to construct a
> machine which acquires all the skills and knowledge it requires to
> function in the world via learning. Human provided domain-specific
> knowledge, even of highly abstract or primitive domains, is
> unnecessary. The question then is what is the minimal such machine,
> and how do we go about building it.

No. This is how you get a useful program given millions of years and
plenty of trials. Alternately, this is how you get a useful program
when you can get instant feedback as to how good your general
"learning system" is, so finding the best one is just a matter of
searching for it. (The latter is another way of saying the former.
"Instant" is a point of view.)

If you intend to get there before nanotech is done, you do it the way
Eliezer is doing it.

I encourage you NOT to just skim this document. I assure you that
this question is not only fielded but answered in his summary.


      -unless you love someone-
    -nothing else makes any sense-
           e.e. cummings

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