Re: should Extropianism have an Anthem?

Date: Tue Apr 25 2000 - 01:25:53 MDT

Extropian Anthem? Been there, done that. Plant tongue firmly in cheek and
sing after me:

Extropian Anthem
V. 1.314159...
(sung to the tune of Wagner's "Flight of the Valkries")

Out of the chaos,
Across the ages,
So we have risen,
>From our sole source.

>From crawling to walking,
Then running--now flying!
Thundering skyward,
With unstoppable force!

Best do it so (oh)!
Best do it so (oh)!
Best do it so (oh)!
Best do it so (oh)!

Entropy? Ha!
That old disease! Thhppppt!
Gives us a new cure.

Forward! Upward!
Outward! Onward!
Together we soar
Into the future!

Best do it so (oh)!


Somebody wrote:
> Countries have catchy tunes called anthems as do products that have been
> successfully marketed on television and radio. Maybe Extropianism should
> have a catchy anthem.

T.0. Morrow

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