RE: The purposes of the Extropian list (A question for Al Villalo bos)

From: Al Villalobos (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 11:50:54 MDT

On 4/5/00 John Grigg wrote:


please tell us your system and methods for taking care of your body and
extending its longevity. It sounds like you have really worked out things
for yourself in this area. I tend to fall into the trap of eating whatever
is put in front of me by family and friends and not getting daily exercise
as I should. And these are the most basic elements of a life-extension
regimen. I look forward to learning from you. I remember a journalist
writing that upon visiting a group of extropians, he was surprised how one
of them had no problem eating a big, greasy hamburger. lol"

OK! well thats quite a big subject. I'll give an overview and then we can
discuss various other issues in future posts. Believe it or not, in one of
my previous lives I was a Certified Personal Trainer for three years
(through ACE and NASM).

5'10"/1.77m, 165 lbs/75 Kg, 8% bodyfat
20-30min cardio training 5days/week
30-45 min weight training 5days/week

Full vitamin supplementation:
Great Earth brand:Multi-vitamin,mineral, anti-oxidant, C (3000mg)
The only ones I take alot of (relative to me) is C, about 3-4g, and E, about
Right now I'm investigating replacing some C with OPC (the effective stuff
in grape seed extract)
50mg DHEA - My DHEA level was low. This is a whole thread unto itself, I'm
sure. I had to go to a special "Longevity Clinic" to find a doctor who
could comprehend the fact that I was not obviously sick, yet wanted medical
testing/care. At 35 (just a few months ago) I had a whole battery of blood
tests that a "normal" GP doctor wouldnt think to give someone my age. Some
very surprising results came out of those tests! (more on this in the

Diet: I've always been big on nutrient density and avoiding empty calories
even before I knew anything about them, just seemed logical to me, I guess.
The work of Walford, and then of Parr, served to really convince me of a
couple of basic things. 1. Eat less food than you think you need. 2. Avoid,
as much as possible, added sugar of any kind in any food. 3. Eat at the
low end of the glycemic index whenever possible.

So what do I eat then?
Chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, cottage cheese
LOTS of vegetables
1 glass red wine/day

Things I rarely/never/only eat in very small quantities:
Bread, pasta, rice, potatos (high on the glycemic index, keeps insulin
levels too high)
Fast food (maybe a few time a year)
All junk food

So, am I missing anything here people? I believe this to be a reasonable,
practical, and above all sustainable plan for living long enough to benefit
from the coming revolution in genetic therapy.


AL Villalobos

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