recumbent bicycling has captured my imagination!

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 16:55:31 MST

Emlyn wrote:
Actually, the engine would do well on a recumbent, and probably for long
trips you'd have somewhere to store extra batteries (my are they ever

All this talk of recumbents is making me excited!! I don't have a car and
so must get around by bicycle, bus or rides from friends. My problem is
that because I live in Anchorage, Alaska I cannot ride a bike year-round. A
few do but I consider doing that borderline suicidal behavior.

The $800 pricetag is steep but possible for me. How much more is an engine
for it? So it is not considered a motor vehicle even with an engine? Wow!

I have played with the idea of relocating and then using a bicycle
year-round for transportation. The recumbent with an engine sounds perfect.
  And it is not a threat to a man's sexual anatomy either! lol

To increase visibility, why not put up a couple of racing flags on either
side of the bike, front and back?

I am going to have to learn if this type of bike is sold in Anchorage. Can
a person do crosscountry touring on one of these? I could ride down the
Alcan with it! lol!!

best regards,

John Grigg
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