Re: Predictions by Kurzweil

From: John Calvin (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 12:41:48 MST

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 03:47:23 -0500 (EST) Dan Fabulich <> wrote:
>> (A bull might have a different perception and application if red is
>> flagged in front of him.)
>Though, coincidentally, probably not. Bulls actually have no color

Gee Dan, I'm a little confused by this, If a bull has something in its visual field that is giving off light in the frequency that we know as red, and a bull has no color receptors Then the bull would most certainly not percieve that frequency with the same mental imagery as a human with the appropriate color receptors would. In fact A human would percieve something they would Identify as red and the bull would percieve something as a shade of grey.

the old saying about bulls being enraged by the color red is
>almost certainly a myth.

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