the theory of multiple intelligences....

From: john grigg (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 16:19:39 MST

Mike Lorrey wrote:
However calling any and every capability of the mind an 'intelligence' is PC
doublespeak. There is no reason the original words to describe those
capabilities should not be used. The campaign in the political world is
being waged by the luddites and new agers to dilute and eliminate the
importance of analytical and logical intelligence in modern society. Don't
get sucked into the trap.

he also wrote:
PC as in politically correct. Intelligence is merely one group of processes
that must be developed. The 'emotion','creativity','social ability', and
other abilities of the human mind are other processes. They are not
intelligences,they are abilities. We could go in the other direction and
say that everything the human mind does is an emotion. Logical thinking is
an emotion, creativethinking is an emotion, social ability is an emotion,
etc. ad nauseum. The reason the current social scientists are trying to
call every human mental ability an 'intelligence' is because real
intelligence is the most respected human ability, and they are trying to
make every other ability be perceived as being of equal value. Its pure
politically correct poppycock.

I am not sure if my original post on this subject was sent or not and so I
will post again but make it shorter. Mike Lorrey castigated the idea of
"multiple intelligences" which I consider to be a very reputable theory. I
would ask everyone to check out the website by Howard Gardner, A Harvard
trained neuropsychologist who wrote the book "Multiple Intelligences."

His website explanations are brief and to the point so you don't need alot
of time to get an understanding of his proposals. It is well worth the time
to peruse the site.

Gardner explains that there is far more to the human intellect then the
logical/analytical part which is of course, is very important but not

These are the forms of intelligence that he recognizes, (from his website)

Musical Intelligence
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Linguistic Intelligence
Spatial Intelligence
Interpersonal Intelligence
Intrapersonal Intelligence

Gardner has never ruled out the possibility that additional intelligences
may also exist, for MI research is still in its infancy. Recently, he added
an eighth intelligence to the list: the Naturalist Intelligence. There's
also been some consideration of a ninth intelligence - existential
intelligence - but the jury is still out on that one. Besides, for now at
least, a great deal of new understanding may be found from within these
eight faculties.

Gardner continues...
Regarding the conventional theory of intelligence, Gardner wrote:
WHEN ONE IS ASKED to consider the question "What makes a person
intelligent?," the most common responses will often note a person's ability
to solve problems, utilize logic, and think critically. These typical
traits of intelligence are sometimes lumped together under the lable of "raw

A person's intelligence, traditionally speaking, is contained in his or her
general intellect - in otherwords, how each and every one of us comprehend,
examine, and respond to outside stimuli, whether it be to solve a math
problem correctly or to anticipate an opponent's next move in a game of
tennis. Our intelligence, therefore, is our singular, collective ability to
act and react in an ever-changing world.

I look forward to further discussion on this topic.


John Grigg

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