Re: Predictions by Kurzweil

From: John Clark (
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 11:26:05 MST

Skye <> Wrote:

> Perhaps... but this does not mean that there are qualia.

It's not even debatable, of course qualia exist. Some on this list
have said qualia is imaginary or a illusions, well of course that's
true but so what? Even if you maintain that Descartes was jumping
to conclusions when he said "I think therefore I am" one thing is
certain, I think therefore thoughts exist.

>In what way is the visual part of redness incomputable?

In no way that I know of, I can't prove it but I think redness is
probably computable

>I would think... that if a computer were wired appropriately, the
>perception would be the same.

Me too.

                  John K Clark

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