What is intelligence (Was Re: neuro mods.....)

From: Zero Powers (zero_powers@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 10:27:45 MST

>From: Anders Sandberg <asa@nada.kth.se>
>QueeneMUSE@aol.com writes:
> > In a message dated 2/23/2000 11:17:14 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> > asa@nada.kth.se writes:
> >
> > << intelligence as the ability to solve problem >>
> >
> > oops...
> > what about emotion, creativity, laughter and fun?
>I didn't say that was the end of all thinking. In fact, since our
>values are highly based on emotions and our rationality is dependent
>on well functioning emotional-motivational systems, they could in some
>sense be viewed as integral parts of intelligence.

Seems pretty obvious to me that you don't have to be very intelligent to
experience emotion, laughter and fun. Monkeys seem to experience all three,
not to mention human idiots. Although creativity certainly takes some
degree of intelligence, it could be argued that creativity is simply the
ability to solve a problem in a unique way.


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